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Edibles refer to food products infused with cannabis. They are a popular choice for many due to their ease of use, long-lasting effects, and the variety of forms they come in, such as cookies, gummies, and chocolates. Unlike smoking or vaping, edibles offer a discreet and smoke-free experience.

The Science Behind Edibles: How They Work

Digestion and Metabolism of Edibles

When you consume an edible, it goes through your digestive system and is metabolized by the liver. The liver then converts the THC in the edible into a more potent compound called 11-hydroxy-THC, which is more effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier. This process is why edibles often have a stronger and longer-lasting effect compared to other forms of cannabis consumption.

The Role of THC and CBD

THC and CBD are the two primary cannabinoids found in cannabis. THC is psychoactive and is responsible for the “high” feeling, while CBD is non-psychoactive and is known for its therapeutic benefits. The ratio of these two compounds in your edible can significantly influence the effects you experience.

Importance of Dosing

Proper dosing is crucial when consuming edibles. Too little may result in no effects, while too much can lead to discomfort or an overwhelming high. Understanding your tolerance and the potency of your edible can help ensure a positive experience.

Factors Influencing Edible Effects

Several factors can influence how an edible affects you:

  • Body Weight: Similar to alcohol, a person’s body weight can influence how they react to cannabis.
  • Metabolism: Individuals with faster metabolisms may feel the effects of edibles sooner than those with slower metabolisms.
  • Tolerance: Regular cannabis users often develop a tolerance and may require a higher dose to achieve the same effects.
  • Type of Edible: The effects can also vary based on the type of edible consumed. For example, a gummy may have a different impact compared to a chocolate bar due to differences in composition and absorption rates.

How to Determine Your Ideal Dose

Starting Low and Going Slow

If you’re new to edibles, it’s best to start with a low dose (around 2.5 to 5mg of THC) and wait to see how it affects you before consuming more. This approach is often referred to as “start low and go slow.”

Adjusting Based on Experience

As you gain more experience with edibles, you can adjust your dose based on the effects you desire. Remember, it’s always easier to take more, but you can’t take less once you’ve consumed the edible.

Understanding Edible Labels

Reading and understanding edible labels is crucial for safe consumption. The label should clearly indicate the amount of THC and CBD per serving. It may also include information on the strain of cannabis used, the method of extraction, and any other ingredients in the product. Always read the label carefully to ensure you’re consuming a safe and appropriate dose.

Edible Dosing Chart and What to Expect

An edible dosing chart can be a helpful tool for understanding the potential effects of different doses. For instance:

  • 1-2.5mg of THC: Mild relief of symptoms like pain, stress, and anxiety; increased focus and creativity.
  • 3-5mg of THC: Stronger relief of symptoms; euphoria; may impair coordination and alter perception.
  • 10-15mg of THC: Effective relief for pain, nausea, and anxiety symptoms; impaired coordination and altered perception.
  • 20-30mg of THC: Very strong euphoria; very likely to impair coordination and alter perception.
  • 50-100mg of THC: Seriously impaired coordination and perception; increased possibility of adverse side effects.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and individual experiences can vary.

Edible Dosing Infographic

Common Mistakes in Edible Dosing

Common mistakes in edible dosing include consuming too much too quickly, not waiting long enough for effects to kick in before taking more, and not considering factors like tolerance and metabolism. It’s important to be patient and give the edible time to take effect.

Safety Tips for Consuming Edibles

Here are some safety tips for consuming edibles:

  • Waiting for Effects: Edibles can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in. Always wait before consuming more.
  • Not Mixing with Alcohol: Mixing edibles with alcohol can intensify the effects and lead to an uncomfortable experience.
  • Consuming on a Full Stomach: Consuming edibles on a full stomach can help moderate the effects and prevent an overwhelming high.

What to Do If You’ve Consumed Too Much

If you’ve consumed too much, it’s important to stay calm. Remember that the effects are temporary and will pass. Try to find a quiet, comfortable place to rest and hydrate. If you feel extremely uncomfortable, seek medical attention.

What cannabis strains are good for making Edible?

When it comes to making edibles, the strain of cannabis you choose can significantly impact the final product’s effects. Here are a few strains that are often used in edibles:

  1. Blue Dream: This sativa-dominant hybrid is known for its balanced full-body relaxation and cerebral invigoration. It’s a popular choice for edibles because of its high THC content and sweet, berry-like flavor.
  2. Sour Diesel: Another sativa-dominant strain, Sour Diesel, is known for its energizing and mood-lifting effects. It’s a good choice for daytime edibles.
  3. Girl Scout Cookies (GSC): This hybrid strain is high in THC, which can lead to a strong euphoria. It’s often used in edibles for its potent effects and sweet, earthy flavor.
  4. Granddaddy Purple: This is an indica strain known for its relaxing effects. It’s often used in edibles intended for evening or nighttime use.
  5. ACDC: This is a CBD-dominant strain, which means it doesn’t produce a high. It’s a good choice for edibles that are meant to provide relief from symptoms like pain, anxiety, or inflammation without the psychoactive effects.

Remember, the strain you choose should depend on the effects you’re looking to achieve with your edibles. Always consult with a knowledgeable budtender or cannabis professional if you’re unsure.


  • How long do the effects of edibles last? The effects can last anywhere from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the dose and individual factors like metabolism and tolerance.
  • Can you overdose on edibles? While you can’t fatally overdose on cannabis, consuming too much can lead to an uncomfortable high. Always start low and go slow.
  • How do I know how much THC is in my edible? The amount of THC should be clearly labeled on the packaging. If you’re unsure, ask your budtender or the manufacturer.


Understanding edible dosing is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. Always start with a low dose and gradually increase as you become more comfortable. Remember to read labels carefully, be patient, and listen to your body. With these tips in mind, you can navigate the world of edibles with confidence.